
The project takes a village of faculty, and we’ve got one…

Instructor Team

Brownfields Corps


Randi Mendes (Bio)
Project Manager & Community Liaison, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Climate Corps


Owen Placido (Bio)
Educator, Department of Extension and Center for Land Use Education & Research (CLEAR)

renata betottiRenata Bertotti (Bio)
Educator, Department of Extension and Center for Land Use Education & Research (CLEAR)

Stormwater Corps

NRE 4695

Mike DietzMike Dietz (Bio)
Educator, Department of Extension and CLEAR, and Director, Connecticut Institute for Water Resources (CIWR)

Dave DicksonDave Dickson (Bio)
Educator, Department of Extension and Interim Director, CLEAR

Research Team

University Integration Team

Advisory Faculty

Evaluation Partners