Here are links to all the documents, diagrams, articles, syllabi, etc. referred to on this website. Plus maybe a few more...

Returning to Our Roots: The Engaged Institution (Kellogg Commission, 1999). The seminal call to action on the need for State and Land Grant Universities to improve their community engagement.
Life Transformative Education. From the Office of the Provost, a description of the LTE initiative at UConn. Also connects to the Coalition for Life Transformative Education.
National Science Foundation Improving Undergraduate STEM Education (IUSE) program. Funder of the project creating E-Corps.
Overview article on Environment Corps (Journal of Higher Ed Outreach and Engagement, 2021). Describes the history, development, organization, and early results of the project.
E-Corps Systems Map. The project's attempt to map all the relationships and processes that make the E-Corps work.
Report on impact of E-Corps on graduated UConn students (Horizon Research, Inc., 2022). What 70 UConn grads who had taken E-Corps courses had to say about their experiences.
Environment Corps Impact Study Summary. The Horizon report results, in graphs.
Student comments AY17-18 to AY21-22. A compendium of student comments taken from Student Evaluation of Teaching (SET) surveys, informal emails, and other sources.
Key Elements
E-Corps model schematic diagram. Our attempt to capture the key elements of the model.
Climate Adaptation Academy website. The Extension program of UConn CLEAR and CT Sea Grant that provides the foundation for the Climate Corps.
NEMO Program website. The Extension program of UConn CLEAR that provides the foundation for the Stormwater Corps.
Technical Assistance for Brownfields website. The outreach program of the UConn Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering that provides the foundation for Brownfields Corps.
E-Corps Project Decision Tree. Our attempt to outline the key factors to consider in deciding whether or not the topic you want to focus on can support viable community projects.
Classroom Instruction
"Diagram of E-Corps "High Leverage Practices." A framework describing the key practices of the E-Corps model, developed by our Research Team.
Fact sheets on HLP use by the three E-Corps courses.
Climate Corps classroom syllabus (Fall 2022).
Climate Corps practicum syllabus (Spring 2023).
Brownfields-Corps-Classroom-Semester-Syllabus (Fall-2022)
Brownfields Corps practicum syllabus (Spring 2023).
Stormwater Corps Practicum Semester Syllabus (Fall 2022)
Stormwater Corps classroom syllabus (Spring 2023).
Examples of Instructional Practices
Stormwater Corps Pre-Post Semester Exercise Spring 2023
Climate Corps Role Play Exercise Fall 2021
Stormwater Corps Role Play Exercise Spring 2022
Stormwater Corps Group Assignment Pervious Concrete Spring 2023
Climate Corps Vulnerability Assessment Final Project Fall 2021
Stormwater Corps Final Project Rapid Assessment Spring 2022
Climate Corps Adaptation Plaque Assignment Fall 2021
"Choosing a Topic" Decision Tree. Our attempt to outline the key factors to consider in deciding whether or not the topic you want to focus on can support viable community projects.
Climate Corps Project Page. Links to descriptions and products of Climate Corps student team community projects.
Stormwater Corps Project Page. Links to descriptions and products of Stormwater Corps student team community projects.
Brownfields Corps Project Page. Description of types of community projects undertaken by Brownfields Corps student teams.
Example of Stormwater Corps community partner solicitation (to "MS4" General Stormwater Permit listserv).
Description of application process for Climate Corps.
Brownfields Corps Request for Proposals.
Videos and Etc.
E-Corps Intro Video (from Home Page of website).